2 minutes de lecture

On the shelves of our favourite stores, these metal tubes look like oil colour. Could be, but it’s not, it’s Sennelier Acrylic Paint!

I wrote about the “Abstract” range some time ago. Today, I’ll talk about Sennelier extra-fine acrylic paint. A brand that is distinguished by producing original and offbeat ideas from of traditional methods and materials. I like that!

My easel’s favourite, Sennelier paint is here at my studio all day, so it was obvious that I would speak about this brand. .



«Extra-Fine Acrylic Paint by Sennelier is intended for artists who are looking for a wide variety of effects with a single paint. You can effectively glaze, polish, bind, cover, extend, mix and create own recipes! With or without additives, you can play on the viscosity, transparency or the brightness of the paint! »


sennelierlogo sennelier-acrylic-art-image

Full description

  • Brand: Sennelier (France)
  • Features: odourless paint, creamy, thick, good adhesion with a nice ability to spread.
  • Colour range: pure and homogeneous colors that blend easily. 120 colours + 6 iridescent colours with metallic effect + 4 interference colours
  • Media: paper, canvas, canvas board, Wood Painting Panel, Plaster, cloth, some plastics and Aluminium Plate, other oil-free surfaces
  • To combine with: pastels, inks, charcoal, collages, gels and varnishs.
  • Drying: rapid-drying, non-cracking, non-yellowing, water-resistant once dry.
  • Material: brush, Painting knives, fingers use in studio or plein air (Cleaning material: warm water + The Masters soap)


Love story :

I am completely in love. The extra-Fine Sennelier, a high-end acrylic paint, it is so good to paint with it! Sneak peek of my latest painting.

Your turn, which is your favorite brand for acrylic paint ?



Caps tend to get dirty quickly. Do not hesitate to plunge them into a jar with acrylic remover (2h-4h) and remove excess paint with an old toothbrush. 



DISCLAIMER : cet article est une collaboration sponsorisée. Je fais partie des artistes référents qui utilisent le matériel proposé par Le Géant des Beaux-Arts.fr et Great Art.co.uk. Vous venez de lire mon article issu de cette collaboration. Au risque de me répéter, sachez que j’apprécie les marques distribuées par ce partenaire depuis des années, et que je suis convaincue de la qualité du matériel destiné aux artistes et aux personnes créatives. Même si cela paraît logique, je précise que je suis LIBRE sur la thématique et le choix des produits mis en avant, LIBRE sur le contenu, LIBRE de donner mon VÉRITABLE avis, et c’est également pour cette raison que ce partenariat est important car je peux donner libre cours à mon imagination et ainsi proposer du contenu frais et de qualité. 

    Bannière Géant des Beaux Arts    

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